Increasing biological nitrogen fixation is one of the suggested measures.  Photo: / Stephanie Kroos  CC BY SA

Potential to reduce agriculture emissions

A new study commissioned by Transport and Environment maps the climate mitigation potential for EU agriculture. It concludes that there is no evidence that reducing emissions in agriculture is more difficult or less cost effective than in other sectors. The actions calculated to have the largest abatement potential were biological nitrogen fixation in crop rotation and in grass mixes, use of cover and catch crops and the use of nitrification inhibitors.

The authors identify the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) as the most important tool for influencing farmers’ management decisions. They also find that the mitigation actions they propose can already be supported via the CAP if implemented in the right way by member states.

Carlos Calvo Ambel, transport and energy analyst at T&E, said: “There is a myth that agriculture cannot reduce emissions. Agri lobbyists are using that myth to undermine Europe’s 2030 climate law which would also lead to less ambition on reducing transport emissions. This report shows there is no reason why agriculture should be given a free ride.”

Transport & Environment press release 2 May 2017



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