Hong Kong exploring regional ECA

The Hong Kong government is exploring the potential for setting up an Emission Control Area (ECA) within the Pearl River Delta (PRD).

“We have started discussion with the relevant authorities of Guangdong, Shenzhen and Macao on the regional cooperation initiatives on reducing marine emissions within the PRD waters set out in the 2011 Policy Address,” said the Secretary for the Environment, Edward Yau.

Proposed measures in the Policy Address include exploring the feasibility of requiring ocean-going vessels to switch to low-sulphur fuel while berthing at ports of Hong Kong and the PRD, exploring the setting up of an Emission Control Area in PRD waters over the longer term, and a study in collaboration with the relevant trade associations on the feasibility of selling lower sulphur fuels locally to reduce emissions from vessels.

Source: Sustainable Shipping News, 14 December 2011

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