Still possible to stay below 2°C Global warming can be limited to below 2 degrees according to simulations made for the IPCC 5th assessment report. Read more
Editorial: The road after Durban “This lifeline should be kept until the EU is sure that the US is really willing to join a legally binding global agreement” Read more
EU industrial air pollution cost up to €169 billion The cost of damage caused by pollutant emissions into the air from the largest 10,000 industrial facilities in 2009 has been estimated as at least €102-169 billion, and half of the total damage cost was caused by just 191 facilities. Read more
EU moving towards stricter ship sulphur standards The European Parliament’s environment committee wants EU ship fuel sulphur legislation to be tougher than the global standards agreed by the International Maritime Organization. Read more
Final countdown for Energy Efficiency Directive Only three months to go before the directive that could mean thousands of green jobs is to be finalised, but the Council is instead heading in a direction that could even water down existing legislation. Read more
Bringing justice through the air quality directive Suing countries and municipalities that fail to comply with the EU air quality standards is a way to speed up the otherwise rather slow enforcement process by the EU bureaucracy. Read more
Legal complaint to EU against UK air quality failure Forty out of forty-three air quality zones were in breach of the NO2 limit value in 2010. Read more
Fight over US EPA air pollution rules Industry pressure to relax new air pollution control legislation – challenges to EPA’s final power plant transport and air toxics rules in courts, Congress. Read more
New Gothenburg Protocol soon to be agreed Parties to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution will meet in early May to adopt new non-ambitious national emission limits for major air pollutants. Read more
Twelve countries exceed NEC directive limits Twelve EU member states exceeded one or more of the emission limits set by the national emission ceilings directive and may now face EU infringement action. Read more
Climate hotspots identified Regional food and water security, coral reefs and Arctic sea ice are at risk at warming levels of 1.5–2°C. Read more