EU needs net zero emissions by 2040 In order to stay within the limited carbon budget that is left, the EU will need to reduce its domestic greenhouse gas emissions by at least 3 per cent per year. Read more
Editorial: Call for Europe to phase out coal by 2025 As a result of the latest extremely alarming scientific findings from the IPCC and WMO, all European countries need to stop using coal for energy production by 2025 and thus avoid large emissions of carbon dioxide. Read more
Ship emissions debated A ban on carrying high-sulphur fuel oil aboard ships not equipped with scrubbers has been finally adopted by the IMO, but there was no significant progress on agreeing measures to cut ships’ carbon emissions. Read more
What goes up must come down Over the last decade the downward trend in emissions has flattened out – some countries are even reporting increasing emissions of ammonia and particulate matter. Read more
Levels of long-lived greenhouse gases rose again in 2017 The level of CO2 today is similar to that 3–5 million years ago, when the temperature was 2–3°C warmer and the sea level was 10–20 metres higher than now. Read more
Limiting global warming to 1.5°C is possible Climate Action Network evaluates the IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C for the Talanoa Dialogue. Read more
Harmful air pollution levels still much too high Air pollution remains the largest environmental health risk in Europe. Despite slow improvements, it is still responsible for more than 400,000 premature deaths every year. Read more
Cut methane to reduce ozone Global action to reduce methane emissions could by 2050 avoid 70,000 to 130,000 annual premature deaths due to ozone pollution globally, and 6,000 to 11,000 in the EU alone. Read more
Citizens support diesel bans to tackle air pollution Two-thirds of EU citizens support the introduction of low-emission zones banning polluting cars from city centres, according to a recent survey. Read more
EU auditors urge tougher action on air quality Air pollution rules are still too weak and most EU governments are failing to meet current air quality requirements, says a damning report by EU auditors. Read more
Climate targets for trucks and cars in the making The European Parliament is pushing for more ambitious CO2 standards for cars and lorries by 2030. Though even more cuts are needed to decarbonise the vehicle fleet by 2050. Read more
Livestock sector must contract Numbers of farm animals in the European Union are not within a “safe operating space” for the climate and nitrogen, states a new report from the RISE foundation. Read more
European lunches leave carbon footprints overseas Around 30 per cent of greenhouse gases from EU food consumption are emitted in other regions, mainly Latin America, Asia and Africa. Read more
1.5°C is the new 2°C In the wake of the IPCC publishing their 1.5°C report the global press calls for quick action. Read more
A 1.5°C target is needed to save the Mediterranean region Climate change is a threat to the Mediterranean sea and surrounding countries. This is featured in a recent short documentary produced by AirClim and SEE.NET. Read more