Stop wasting precious public money on gas infrastructure and tax breaks for fossil gas, says T&E. Photo: / Juan Carlos Martins CC BY-ND
Natural gas is as bad for the climate as diesel, petrol and marine fuel
Using natural (fossil) gas for transport is as bad for the climate as using petrol, diesel or conventional marine fuels, according to a new study by Transport & Environment (T&E). Burning fossil gas in cars also emits as much air pollution as petrol, and the limited advantage over compliant diesel cars could be eliminated by planned new standards. For ships, liquefied natural gas (LNG) has clear air pollution benefits compared to heavy fuel oil, although NOx after-treatment systems and further desulphurisation of marine fuels can achieve similar results.
When taking into account the effects of leakage of methane, fossil gas could increase greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 9 per cent or decrease them by a maximum of 12 per cent across all transport modes. In cars, the GHG impact of compressed natural gas (CNG) is similar to diesel, while in trucks it mirrors closely that of best-in-class diesel lorries. In shipping, the GHG impact of LNG is close to that of marine gas oil, but these figures are highly dependent on engine methane slip and upstream leakage.
Jori Sihvonen at T&E, said: “Gas cars, trucks and ships have no benefits for the climate and they’re a distraction from our real objective, zero-emission transport. Governments should resist the gas lobby’s offensive and stop wasting precious public money on gas infrastructure and tax breaks for fossil gas.”
Source: T&E press release, 24 October 2018. Link to the press release and report in English, French, Italian and Spanish: