4 out of 5 largest EU CO2 emitters are German

In 2014, RWE’s Weisweiler lignite power station replaced the UK’s Drax power station as Europe’s fifth largest CO2 emitter. This means for the first time since the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) was set up in 2005, four out of five of the largest CO2 emitters are German lignite power stations.

Three of the lignite power stations are owned by RWE (Neurath, Niederaussem and Weisweiler) and one is owned by Vattenfall (Jaenschwalde). Poland’s PGE owns Europe’s top CO2 emitter, Bełchatów. Drax fell out of the top five as it cut reported CO2 emissions by 18 per cent in 2014 by replacing some coal burning by biomass. German lignite power stations are also in eighth and tenth places, both advancing a place on last year. Emission data comes from the European Commission’s published ETS data for 2014.

Source: Sandbag press release, 1 April 2015.

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