

Ocean acidification in the Black Sea

The aim of this report is to inform environmental NGOs on the status of ocean acidification in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, and give an insight into the actors working with ocean acidification. Here are presented such information for some countries at the Black Sea: Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria and a guide for educational tools concerning ocean acidification.

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Ocean acidification in the Baltic Sea from a Swedish perspective

The aim of this report is to inform environmental NGOs on the status of ocean acidification in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, and give an insight into the actors working with ocean acidification. Here are presented such information for Sweden.

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What is Ocean Acidification?

The briefing is informing about the need for measures on education, policies and governance that specifically target ocean acidification.

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Briefing 19

Phasing out fossil gas power stations in Europe by 2030

Presenting a list of 142 gas-fired power stations in the EU and the UK that should be closed or not commissioned within the next 10 years.
Chapters: CCS no option; Gas power easier to turn off; Security issues for gas; Environmental cost of gas; Economic cost of fossil gas; The worst gas power plants - where to find them; Detailed analysis up to national NGOs; The largest operating gas power plants in Europe, ie those of >500 megawatt electric capacity; Planned gas power plants in Europe; Power plants under construction in Europe.

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Climate and Health

This report is published in collaboration between the Swedish Medical Association, the Swedish Association of Senior Hospital Physicians, Swedish Doctors for the Environment, the Swedish Society of Medicine, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Region Västerbotten, the Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine Stockholm County Council, the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at University of Gothenburg Sahlgrenska Academy Institute of Medicine and AirClim (the Air Pollution and Climate Secretariat).

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