A short documentary produced by AirClim and the South East European Network for Energy and Transport (SEE.NET) says that the 1.5°C target must be reached.
At the start of the 2018 UN Talanoa facilitative dialogue to evaluate and strengthen climate action, AirClim is submitting to the UN the film 1.5 Stay Alive, to answer the questions (1) Where are we?; (2) Where do wewant to go?
As water temperature increases some direct impacts on salmon biology can be predicted. These can include physiological stress, increased depletion of energy resources and also increased susceptibility to disease.
The projected water temperature increase will greatly affect the most biodiversity rich ecosystems of the oceans – the tropical coral reefs – which harbor some 25 per cent of all marine species.
The analyses show that a NOx levy and fund system would be a cost-effective complement to NECAs and it would ensure much needed faster and further emission reductions.