

Poland Country Factsheet: 1.5°C Pathways for Europe

The aim of the 1.5°C Pathways for Europe Project is to derive Paris Agreement compatible emissions and energy mix pathways for key European countries. The project seeks to highlight existing scenarios that demonstrate that a very high level of ambition on climate and energy policy is possible for the European Union. Here are presented such possible pathways for Poland.

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Italy Country Factsheet: 1.5°C Pathways for Europe

The aim of the 1.5°C Pathways for Europe Project is to derive Paris Agreement compatible emissions and energy mix pathways for key European countries. The project seeks to highlight existing scenarios that demonstrate that a very high level of ambition on climate and energy policy is possible for the European Union. Here are presented such possible pathways for Italy.

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Germany Country Factsheet: 1.5°C Pathways for Europe

The aim of the 1.5°C Pathways for Europe Project is to derive Paris Agreement compatible emissions and energy mix pathways for key European countries. The project seeks to highlight existing scenarios that demonstrate that a very high level of ambition on climate and energy policy is possible for the European Union. Here are presented such possible pathways for Germany.

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France Country Factsheet: 1.5°C Pathways for Europe

The aim of the 1.5°C Pathways for Europe Project is to derive Paris Agreement compatible emissions and energy mix pathways for key European countries. The project seeks to highlight existing scenarios that demonstrate that a very high level of ambition on climate and energy policy is possible for the European Union. Here are presented such possible pathways for France.

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Denmark Country Factsheet: 1.5°C Pathways for Europe

The aim of the 1.5°C Pathways for Europe Project is to derive Paris Agreement compatible emissions and energy mix pathways for key European countries. The project seeks to highlight existing scenarios that demonstrate that a very high level of ambition on climate and energy policy is possible for the European Union. Here are presented such possible pathways for Denmark.

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Main Report

1.5°C Pathways for Europe: Achieving the highest plausible climate ambition

This report presents domestic emissions and energy mix pathways required to meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal for the EU27 and nine Member States, and assesses if their current 2030 climate targets are in line with these pathways.

To date, governments have submitted inadequate and unambitious national climate targets that are not sufficient to meet the Paris Agreement long-term temperature goal according to the latest available science.

Experts from Climate Analytics:
Ryan Wilson, Lara Welder, Alexandre Delfosse, Jonas Hörsch, Deborah Ramalope, Matthew Gidden, Bill Hare.

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The science of temperature overshots

The science of temperature overshoots

Impacts, uncertainties and implications for near-term emissions reductions.

Experts from Climate Analytics:
Susanne Baur, Alexander Nauels, Uta Klönne,  Carl-Friedrich Schleussner
Climate Analytics

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Summary Report

1.5°C to survive. Evidence from the IPCC Special Reports

This briefing summarises the impacts of global warming at and above 1.5°C relative to pre-industrial levels. Key information is extracted from the Special Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of its sixth assessment report cycle (AR6).

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Overview briefing on the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of the 1.5°C

The report explains that limiting warming to 1.5°C avoids the worst impacts of climate, highlights climate change impacts that could be avoided by limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C and that it is clear that limiting warming to 1.5°C is still possible even when accounting for uncertainties and feedbacks in the climate system.

Experts from Climate Analytics:
Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Alexandrine Lanson, Susanne Baur, Claire Fyson, Thessa Beck, Corinne Kowalski, Alexander Nauels

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Overview briefing on the the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land

Experts from Climate Analytics:
Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Alexandrine Lanson, Susanne Baur, Claire Fyson, Thessa Beck, Corinne Kowalski, Alexander Nauels

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Overview briefing on the IPCC Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere

Experts from Climate Analytics:
Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Alexandrine Lanson,  Susanne Baur, Claire Fyson,  Thessa Beck, Corinne Kowalski, Alexander Nauels

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Nordic Food Transition

Eight case studies of forerunners in climate friendly food production. Followed by 40 policy recommendations. This report can be read online here.

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