

Why the EU must strengthen its Climate target

There are multiple arguments for why the EU'S 2030 climate target aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% is not compatible with the 1.5°C temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. The EU thus will need to look at how it can do more. Substantial additional action in all economic sectors and in all EU Member States is needed and possible. Even while substantial reductions - well beyond the 2020 target - have been achieved in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), also the sectors covered by this legislation can do much more.

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Speeding up the decarbonisation of European industry

In July 2021, the European Commission launched the Fit for 55 package to step up in Climate Ambition, as part of the European Green Deal. This study analysis what this package would mean for the most carbon intensive industrial sectors and what type of policy support is required to assure that industry would contribute to the overall reductions and remain competitive in the long run.

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Strengthening EU climate policies

This discussion paper analysis possible options for strengthening EU climate policies by phasing out the worst industrial emitters, promoting alternative production methods for steel, iron and cement industries, introducing strict rules for the inclusion of further economic sectors in emission trading, allowing CO2 tax systems at national level to complement ETS systems, setting up an innovation fund which focuses on renewable energy and energy efficiency and saving.

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Briefing on the proposal to integrate maritime transport in the EU ETS

This policy brief provides an overview of the proposal by the European Commission to reform the EU ETS from July 2021. The proposal foresees the extension of the existing EU ETS to maritime transport by amending the Emissions Trading Directive (Directive 2003/87/EC) and by adjusting the EU MRV Regulation (2015/757). The proposal is part of the Fit-for-55 package, which also includes other proposals addressing the maritime sector, such as the FuelEU Maritime Initiative.

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The Revision of the European Union Emissions Trading System Directive: Assessing Cap and Market Stability Reserve Reform Options

The main objective of this study is to assess as reliably as possible whether the emission reduction target for 2030 can be achieved or exceeded, taking into account the corresponding uncertainties. The analysis is carried out for different options for cap and Market Stability Reserve (MSR) provisions. Chapter 2 discusses a range of baseline emission trends. Chapter 3.1 discusses the current legislative proposals for adjusting the cap of the EU ETS in the context of the new emission reduction target of 55% for the total greenhouse gas emissions of the EU 27.

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1.5°C A tipping point for the Arctic

1.5°C - A tipping point for the Arctic

The physical processes within the Arctic region are key components of the global climate system. However, the entire region is subject to the most rapid and extreme climate change worldwide. This briefing summarizes some of the observed and projected impacts on the physical, biological, and human dimensions as outlined by the most recent IPCC reports. It will also take a look at different possible responses and link to the latest research beyond the IPCC assessment.

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Forests of Russia and Climate Change

Status Report 2021

This analytical report provides information on the forests and forestry complex of Russia, the impact of climate change on them, and possible measures to combat these changes and enable adaptation.

Experts from Russian Socio-Ecological Union:
A.Yu. Grigoriev, A.P. Laletin, K.A. Pakhorukova, S.I. Zabelin

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Sweden Country Factsheet: 1.5°C Pathways for Europe

The aim of the 1.5°C Pathways for Europe Project is to derive Paris Agreement compatible emissions and energy mix pathways for key European countries. The project seeks to highlight existing scenarios that demonstrate that a very high level of ambition on climate and energy policy is possible for the European Union. Here are presented such possible pathways for Sweden.

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Spain Country Factsheet: 1.5°C Pathways for Europe

The aim of the 1.5°C Pathways for Europe Project is to derive Paris Agreement compatible emissions and energy mix pathways for key European countries. The project seeks to highlight existing scenarios that demonstrate that a very high level of ambition on climate and energy policy is possible for the European Union. Here are presented such possible pathways for Spain.

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Romania Country Factsheet: 1.5°C Pathways for Europe

The aim of the 1.5°C Pathways for Europe Project is to derive Paris Agreement compatible emissions and energy mix pathways for key European countries. The project seeks to highlight existing scenarios that demonstrate that a very high level of ambition on climate and energy policy is possible for the European Union. Here are presented such possible pathways for Romania.

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Portugal Country Factsheet: 1.5°C Pathways for Europe

The aim of the 1.5°C Pathways for Europe Project is to derive Paris Agreement compatible emissions and energy mix pathways for key European countries. The project seeks to highlight existing scenarios that demonstrate that a very high level of ambition on climate and energy policy is possible for the European Union. Here are presented such possible pathways for Portugal.

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