6000 boilers a week needs to be replaced in Poland. Photo: © Tricky_Shark / Shutterstock.com
Replacing old boilers is a key to cleaner air in Poland
A new report by the Clean Air Centre shows that Poland has the potential to reach the AAQD thresholds proposed by the European Commission by 2030. Doing so would require the replacement of 2.7 million existing outdated boilers. As shown in the model assumptions, most will come from the subsidy scheme (2.5 million replacements) and the rest will be replaced due to natural processes (300,000 replacements). To achieve this target, it is necessary to replace approx. 6,000 boilers per week, which might sound like a lot. But replacement is already happening in Poland at this rate. After completing these replacements, close to 30 million Poles will be living in areas which meet the AAQD standard air quality levels, compared to 2 million Poles who have this level of air quality today. Under this scenario, there will still be some areas where additional actions will be necessary, including in the transport and industry sectors.
Poland's Journey to clean air and AAQD compliance by 2030 https://cleanaircentre.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ECAC_POLANDS_JOURNE...