Excretions from insects like the black soldier fly may promote plant growth when mixed into soil. Photo: © Sander Freitas / Shutterstock.com
Insect poop can be used as a fertilizer
Insect frass is simply the faeces of insects. Researchers have concluded that the frass is rich in nitrogen as well as other nutrients that can improve soil quality and plant growth. In addition to the nutrients, the insects’ faeces also contain microbes that can contribute to biocontrol of plant pests and diseases.
Because industrial production of insects intended for food and feed is growing, there will also be a growing stream of by-products. The researchers hope that the application of these residual streams as soil amendments can further contribute to a sustainable and circular agriculture.
Source: Trends in plant Science 2 March 2022, https://www.cell.com/trends/plant-science/fulltext/S1360-1385(22)00007-3