

EU climate targets aligned with the Paris agreement’s 1.5°C objective

With climate impacts happening all around, governments are expected to increase action to limit greenhouse gas emissions and subsequent temperature rise. The longer we delay transformative action, the more substantial and challenging the necessary greenhouse gas emission cuts will need to be. This also applies to the EU.

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The EU as a Normative Power?

Fighting greenwashing and promoting the integrity of corporate climate action within and outside Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

This policy brief explores different options for the EU to promote the integrity of corporate climate action through activities within as well as outside the EU and partially making use of the Article 6 infrastructure. Taking into consideration the new framework conditions established with the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the paper outlines different options of how the EU could push towards more integrity and fight greenwashing.

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Climate neutrality, Energy security and Sustainability - A pathway to bridge the gap through Sufficiency, Efficiency and Renewables

This report is the result of 4 years of collaborative work between European experts from the academia and civil society of 20+ European countries, under the leadership of the négaWatt Association. The CLEVER scenario, which covers 30 countries (EU27 plus United-Kingdom, Norway and Switzerland2 ), is based on a unique approach that combines sufficiency, efficiency and renewables and aims to reconcile longterm climate and sustainability imperatives with short-term energy security constraints.

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Climate Change: A Himalayan Odessey

The Himalayas are inherently vulnerable to heavy rains, flash floods, landslides etc., as these are new mountains which are still growing and are seismically very active. Climate change has added another layer of vulnerability. It is acting as a force multiplier and making landslides, flash floods and cloudbursts more disastrous. The most widely reported impact is the rapid reduction in glaciers, which has profound future implications for downstream water resources.

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