Commission tells Austria, Germany, Slovakia and Bulgaria to act on air quality
In Austria, PM10 levels are too high in the zone of Graz, and in Germany in the zones of Stuttgart and Leipzig. In Slovakia, six zones exceed the daily limit value for PM10: Bratislava, Banskobystrický kraj, Košice, Žilinský kraj and Košický kraj.
Since these countries have failed to take necessary measures that should have been in place since 2005 to protect citizens’ health, the Commission has issued reasoned opinions, in which the countries are requested to take forward-looking, speedy and effective action to keep the period of non-compliance as short as possible. If the countries fail to act, the Commission may refer the cases to the EU Court of Justice.
Moreover, the Commission has noted that citizens in two zones in Bulgaria have since at least 2007 been exposed to excessive levels of sulphur dioxide (SO2). While the measures taken in the south-west zone were efficient enough to achieve compliance with EU limit values in 2013, excessive levels persist in the south-east zone. If Bulgaria fails to act within two months, the case may be taken to the EU Court of Justice.
Source: European Commission press release, MEMO/14/2130, 26 November 2014.