Cleaner air would bring benefits in Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro
In a series of briefing papers, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) highlights the heavy toll on health resulting from exposure to poor air quality in Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro.
Turkey has one of the highest rates of premature deaths due to air pollution in Europe. An estimated 28,924 people in Turkey died prematurely from exposure to elevated levels of particulate matter (PM) and ozone in 2010.
Despite having a population of only seven million people, Bulgaria is ranked number one in the EU in terms of annual premature deaths due to air pollution. Bulgaria’s more than 11,000 premature deaths due to poor air quality can be compared with 4,000 deaths in Switzerland, a country with a similar sized population. In Serbia and Montenegro, 10,000 deaths are due to polluted air, with populations of seven million and 620,000 respectively. Romania ranks third, Poland ranks fourth and Hungary sixth.
Briefings in HEAL series on Air Quality:
Air Pollution and Health in Turkey: Facts, Figures and Recommendations: English Turkish
Air Pollution and Health in Bulgaria: Facts, Figures and Recommendations: English Bulgarian
Air Pollution and Health in Montenegro: Facts, Figures and Recommendations:
Air Pollution and Health in Serbia: Facts, Figures and Recommendations: English Serbian
Source: HEAL: