Extra time for non-road vehicles to meet limits Manufacturers of tractors and engines used in non-road mobile machinery will need more time to meet already adopted stricter emission limits, according to the European Commission. Read more
Air pollution and health in Asia The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated in 2002 that over 500,000 deaths in Asia in the year 2000 were caused by outdoor air pollution exposure, accounting for approximately two thirds of the total global burden of deaths attributed to ambient air pollution. Read more
Intercontinental transport of air pollutants Throughout the northern hemisphere, intercontinental flows of important air pollutants, such as ozone and fine particles, have a significant impact on environmental quality. Read more
Tougher emissions standards for motorcycles European motorcycles should come with advanced anti-lock braking systems, cleaner engines and daytime headlights in order to reduce road deaths and pollution, according to new emissions and safety requirements for motorcycles and all other L-category vehicles proposed on 4 October by the European Commission. Read more
Coal in Europe - states still support a dying industry In this series of short articles, some of AirClim's partner organisations provide an insight into the domestic situation of the coal industry in Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. Behind each article lies a larger report which can be found online. The articles describe a reality of continued state support for a crumbling crumbling industry that is damaging health, the environment, and national economies. Read more
EU consults on marine fuels The European Commission is seeking stakeholder input via an internet consultation on a forthcoming proposal to update the EU directive on the sulphur content of marine fuels. Read more
Industrial Emissions Directive adopted On 8 November the new Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) was formally adopted by the Council of Ministers. It updates and merges seven pieces of existing legislation on solvents, large combustion plants (LCPs), waste incineration, titanium dioxide production and integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC). Read more
More EU air quality failures In late November the European Commission decided to take four more member states – Cyprus, Italy, Portugal and Spain – to the European Court of Justice for failing to comply with EU air quality limit values for airborne particles (PM10). Read more
Wind can provide 20% of electricity by 2030 Wind could meet twelve per cent of global power demand by 2020, and up to 22 per cent by 2030, according to a study published by the Global Wind Energy Council and Greenpeace International. Read more
New analysis of national emissions ceilings Additional measures to achieve the interim targets of the thematic strategy on air pollution would cost less than €3 per person in 2020, or less than one eurocent per day. Read more
MEPs call for a binding energy efficiency target On 9 November 2010 the European Parliament's Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee reiterated its call for a binding EU target on energy saving, a demand also made by the Environment Committee in October... Read more
GHG emissions must peak by 2015 A new EU report highlights the urgency of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases if a 2°C target is to be met. Read more
How to avoid critical levels of climate change? The Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change will hopefully have this month adopted the 2°C target from the Copenhagen Accord in a legal text. After many years of negotiation, a target has finally been formulated which the world believes needs to be met to avoid dangerous climate change and fulfil the objective of the Convention. This is a very big step forward! Read more