Industrial Emissions Directive published

The new Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) has been published and entered into force. Directive 2010/75/EU updates and merges seven pieces of existing legislation directives on solvents, large combustion plants (LCPs), waste incineration, titanium dioxide production and integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC), and will strengthen the application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) in the permitting process. Member states have two years to transpose the directive into their legislation.

Source: Official Journal, 17 December 2010

In this issue

Negotiating forests in the Climate Convention

Among the plethora of acronyms flooding global climate negotiations, LULUCF is one of the most frequently used. Interpreted Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry it has been a controversial issue in the negotiations for the Kyoto Protocol and its implementation since the beginning. The battle is still raging in an almost impenetrable fog of calculation methods, reference levels, caps and exceptions and with devils in virtually every detail.

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