The fate of the vast boreal forest belt of the northern hemisphere is crucial for global climate. This report looks into our possibilities to protect and manage these forests for climate mitigation.
Annual ship emissions of nitrogen oxides in the Baltic Sea could be cut by around 270,000 tons in 2015 by the application of an emissions charge, according to a new report. Published jointly by AirClim, T&E and EEB.
A key finding of this study, based on a review of recent scientific literature, is that the boreal forests will not be able to respond to global warming by migrating northwards. Massive forest dieback is a more likely scenario. Published in cooperation with Taiga Rescue Network.
Strong economic and political motives, combined with a partly positive and partly silent NGO community, has contributed strongly to the present powerful commitment towards the use of CCS in Norway.
This report takes a look behind the bright vision of carbon capture and storage (CCS) given by proponents of this technology. It is not intended to damn CCS but is an appeal for wise decision-making.
Concludes that the average benefit-to-cost ratio for measures at the 100 most polluting plants in Europe is 3.4, i.e. the estimated health benefits are 3.4 times bigger than the estimated emission control costs.
This study combines the health impact assessment methodology used by EU's CAFE programme with an emissions database for large point sources, to assess health damage linked to emissions on a plant by plant basis.
Renewable energy sources could produce all the energy the world needs in as little as 20 years from now and at a lower cost than the present energy mix, two American experts claim.
A new map published by the British government presents the likely effects of global warming above the +2° goal - a future that seems impossible to cope with.