Air pollution levels still much too high More than 95 per cent of the EU’s urban citizens are exposed to levels of PM2.5 and ozone higher than the reference values recommended by the World Health Organization. Read more
Editorial: The year of air We are now approaching the end of 2013, the year declared by environment commissioner Janez Potočnik as the year of air and the year when the European Commission is to present its new clean air strategy. Read more
Massive dash for coal in Turkey Ignoring its significant solar power potential, Turkey is planning a huge increase in coal burning with up to 86 new coal-fired plants in the pipeline. Read more
Proposal not enough to meet ship CO2 target The EU must remove unreliable monitoring methods from the MRV, ensure transparency and agree on a market-based measure to meet its climate targets for the shipping sector. Read more
Roadmap for less-polluting vehicles In the absence of new policies, premature deaths from vehicle-related PM exposure in urban areas will increase by 50 per cent worldwide by 2030. Read more
European emissions keep on slowly shrinking Sulphur emissions show the biggest reductions, while there is much less improvement for ammonia and particulate matter. Cuts in land-based emissions are countered by rising emissions from international shipping. Read more
Livestock behind 7.1 gigatonnes of GHGs There is potential to decrease greenhouse gases from the livestock sector by as much as 30 per cent by just improving methods and techniques – this is the conclusion of a recent report from the FAO. Read more
Climate policy targets for 2020 – is the EU on track? The European Union as a whole has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 18-27 per cent between 1990 and 2012. To achieve 20 percent reductions by 2020 will be an easy walk. Read more
Carbon dioxide causes 80% of global warming Radiative forcing increased by 32 per cent between 1990 and 2012, of wich 25 per cent is due to carbon dioxide. The remaining is from other greenhouse gases. Read more
Global warming unequivocal The first IPPC carbon budget to limit global warming to 2 degrees will be exceeded in three decades with current rate of carbon dioxide emissions. Read more
Anti-coal movement in Europe is growing New coal power stations are planned to be built around Europe, but there is also growing resistance in many countries including Germany, Poland and Czech Republic. Read more
Watered down car deal A one-year delay in implementation and an extension of super credits was the result when member states and the European Parliament renegotiated a CO2 deal for cars. Read more
Energy, climate and air quality policy synergies Significant co-benefits can be realised for health, ecosystems and the economy by linking climate change policies with those for air pollution control and energy security. Read more