EP wants air quality law reforms

On 25 March, the European Parliament approved a resolution calling on the Commission to tighten the Ambient Air Quality Directive to bring pollution limits in line with World Health Organization Guidelines (WHO) and to regulate more air pollutants, such as ultrafine particles, black carbon, ammonia and mercury. It also proposes the replacement of the current target values (for O₃, As, Cd, Ni and BaP) with limit values.

The resolution contains numerous recommendations, including improved air quality monitoring; explicit provisions in the directive to guarantee the right of citizens to justice in line with the Aarhus Convention; and strengthened legislation to reduce emissions at source, particularly from road and maritime transport, aviation, industrial installations, buildings, energy production and agriculture.

Link to the EP report: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2021-0107_EN.html

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