101 Nobel Prize laureates urge leaders to end fossil fuel expansion

A hundred and one Nobel laureates are calling for governments around the world to sign up to a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty to help tackle the climate crisis.

In an open letter to world leaders, scientists, past presidents, novelists and religious leaders are urging governments to commit to a fast and just transition away from fossil fuels, and a “transformational plan” to ensure everyone around the world has access to renewable energy.

The signatories are experts in the fields of peace, human rights, security, economics, literature and the natural sciences, and say they “are seized by the great moral issue of our time: the climate crisis and commensurate destruction of nature”.

The letter states that “for far too long, governments have lagged, shockingly, behind what science demands and what a growing and powerful people-powered movement knows: urgent action is needed to end the expansion of fossil fuel production, phase out current production, and invest in renewable energy.”

Source: The Guardian, Euractive April 21st 2021


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