Air pollutant emissions to exceed limits Only one in two member states expect to comply with their emission limits for all four air pollutants set by the EU national emission ceilings directive. Read more
Free ride for company cars The under-taxation of company cars in the EU increases annual emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from cars by between four and eight per cent, or between 21 and 43 million tonnes, a new study has found. The study also found that this under-taxation results in between eight and 21 million more cars on European roads. Read more
Emission ceilings may be further postponed The EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik is seeking to delay until 2013 the already long-overdue revision of the National Emissions Ceilings Directive. Read more
Pollutant emissions fall While air pollutant emissions from land-based sources in Europe continue to fall slightly, some reductions are countered by rising emissions from international shipping. Read more
Agreement on Industrial Emissions Directive Many years in the work, agreement has been reached on the new Industrial Emissions Directive, replacing seven existing directives and tightening standards – but not by enough. Read more
New emission ceilings for 2020 underway A new study shows significant scope for additional air pollutant reductions in Europe, along with the accompanying health and environmental improvements. Read more
CAN supports 1.5° The Climate Action Network (CAN), a worldwide network of over 450 nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), decided in August to adopt a new climate policy target. Read more
1.5° is tough, but doable A new report underscores that while a climate target of 1.5°C is difficult and filled with uncertainties, it remains feasible and achievable with the right level of ambition. Read more
CCS in Europe: doomed Reuters reports that a new study warns that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology might barely get past the testing phase in Europe as the economic crisis and a shift to green power destroys incentives. Read more
CCS in Germany: emotional A new draft CCS law in Germany has done little to resolve the ongoing conflict over the issue. Read more
CCS in Norway: postponed CCS has been delayed for another four years, in an admission it is far from "off-the-shelf". Read more
Renewables industry says – we can power the EU! A new report by the European Renewable Energy Council provides hope of a more coordinated industry low-carbon lobby – and shows how to do 100 per cent renewables by 2050. Read more
Europe's worst polluters: much work to do Despite some required improvements, Europe's dirtiest power plants still emit vast amounts of air pollutants. The "Dirty Dozen" are still big, and still dirty. Read more
High benefits of ship fuel action Implementing internationally agreed stricter ship fuel sulphur standards may save 26,000 lives per year and provide economic benefits to health worth up to 26 times the costs. Read more
The high costs of inaction Publication of a long-awaited EU proposal to tighten national emission ceilings (NEC) for air pollutants may yet again be delayed by the Commission. Read more