Acid News Archive
No. 1 March 2024
Content: The economic benefits of a food system transition, Upgrading electricity grids in Eastern Europe, US EPA unveils stricter standards for air quality, Gothenburg Protocol ready for an update,... -
No. 2 June 2024
Content: A major step toward cleaner air in the EU, How many arguments will it take?, Opportunity to address gaps in the NEC directive, Hit or miss: Ammonia as a climate-friendly fuel, Carbon... -
No. 3 October 2024
Content: EU climate targets need more ambition, WHO calls for action on climate change, The toxic cocktail of heat and air pollution, NEC report: Ammonia pollution lags behind, Best climate policies... -
No. 4 December 2024
Content: How oceans could soak climate policy, The invisible threat to Europe’s forests, Ship emissions in the North Atlantic, Protecting northern forests is vital for 1.5°C, Ammonia pollution is...
No. 1 March 2023
Content: Global warming alters plankton communities, Overcoming windpower conflicts in the Baltic Sea, New US standard for fine particles to be expected, Renewables are planable, Harvests from... -
No. 2 June 2023
Content: Making the most of waste heat, Unlocking the potential of ocean energy, Ocean acidification in the climate negotiations, The forefront of cleaner, people-centred cities,The EU needs to do... -
No. 3 Oct 2023
No. 4 Dec 2023
No. 1 March 2022
Content: A just transition in EU farming, EU innovation money funds false solutions, Fossil fuels behind a quarter of PM deaths, Farm emissions high on Air Convention agenda, Wind and solar power... -
No. 2 June 2022
Content: IED review may bring justice to affected citizens; Air quality still a major health risk for Europeans; Will FuelEU Maritime deliver on climate?; Implications of attack on Ukrainian nuclear... -
No. 3 October 2022
Content: EU must step up energy shift, EU prepares for winter, Countries struggle to meet NEC directive, Wind technologies for cleaner shipping, Ireland intends to cut farm emissions by 25%, How iron... -
No. 4 December 2022
Content: Greater efforts to improve EU air quality needed, The rare earth element bottleneck, Richest 1% responsible for 17% of emissions, Air pollution can damage children for life, Higher energy...
No. 1 March 2021
No. 2 May 2021
No. 3 October 2021
Content: Call to protect the cloud forests, Energy targets need to be bolder, Emission limits still breached, Toxic threat from wood burning, Norway’s future without oil, The rise of floating solar... -
No. 4 December 2021
Content: Dependence on fossil gas cause soaring energy bills, Energy sufficiency, Closing the nitrogen cycle with agroecology, WHO guidelines are based on science, Time to ban climate-threating...
No. 1 March 2019
Content: 16,000 lives could be saved, The health costs of dirty diesel revealed, CCS 2001–2018: Expectations and results, Set strict emission limits for power plants, Investing in electricity from... -
No. 2 June 2019
Content: A first vision of a Common Food Policy, In pursuit of net-zero farming, CCS: Time to move on, Large potential for offshore wind energy, Science confirms – we can act now, Flemish Green Deal... -
No. 3 October 2019
Content: Not even 1.5°C is good enough, Increasing renewable energy targets for the EU, Achieving a sustainable food future, Environmental impacts of ship scrubbers, 6 countries still breach air... -
No. 4 December 2019
Content: The ten best climate measures, The Dutch nitrogen crisis, Post-Euro 6 car emissions standards, The cry of the cryosphere, Modelling a shift to sustainable diets, Cutting air pollution will...
No. 1 March 2018
Content: Below 1.5 – to stay alive, Denmark to expose sulphur-cheating ships, Courts require action to clear the air, Europeans expect to cut back on meat, No climate impact from road traffic in 15... -
No. 2 June 2018
Content: EU ship sulphur directive scrutinized, wind and solar can be integrated into the grid, limits to achieving “4 per 1000” target, eating healthily and sustainably, diesel cars in low-emission... -
No. 3 October 2018
Content: CAP – Member states to set the bottom floor, Countries taken to court over air quality breaches, Europe still building new coal power stations, Swedes harmed by air pollution, Ammonia... -
No. 4 December 2018
Content: EU needs net zero emissions by 2040, Ship emissions debated, Levels of greenhouse gases rose again in 2017, Air pollution levels still much too high, Cut methane to reduce ozone, Climate...
No. 1 April 2017
Content: Livestock on leftovers, 100% renewable energy, Big emissions from small chimneys, CCS is still a failure, EU needs to shut all coal plants by 2030, How to get people to eat less meat, Cost-... -
No. 2 June 2017
Content: Ocean acidification threat to sea life, Potential to step up global climate ambitions, We need to talk about nitrogen, CAP delivers meagre climate action, CCS – from power plants to... -
No. 3 October 2017
Content: Failure to meet NOx and NH3 limits, Dirty dozen – biggest polluters, Climate law adopted in Sweden, Subsidies for fossil fuel, Electric ferries – a revolution underway, Lower carbon... -
No. 4 December 2017
Content: CAP fails to target emission sources, Shipping lobby hinders progress at the IMO, Humans can only survive below a threshold of 35°C, Excess diesel NOx causes 5,000 deaths per year, Effects...
No. 1, April 2016
A 1.5 target is needed to save the Baltic Sea, CCS in Norway, Member states weaken NEC targets, EU without an energy strategy to fulfil Paris agreement, Nitrogen on the table, Harmful air pollution,... -
No. 2, May 2016
Ecosystems more sensitive than previously thought Three-quarters of EU ecosystems are currently exposed to more nitrogen deposition than they can cope with and nearly one-tenth is receiving too much... -
No 3. October 2016
Content: Paris changes everything, Paths to a sustainable agricultural system, Coal kills across borders, A phase-out plan for coal in Europe, New watered-down EU air pollution targets, Many ways to... -
No. 4 December 2016
Content: IMO confirrms 2020 date, End derogations for polluting coal plants, A Europe powered only with renewable energy, Climate target for agriculture, Air pollution costs trillions, Germany's slow...
No. 1, April 2015
Content: Industrial air pollution cost €189 billion/year, Norwegian CCS ambitions might move to the EU, Enforcement of ship sulphur standards, Launch of Energy Union – mixed messages, East German... -
No. 2, June 2015
Content: Cities’ air quality efforts ranked, France: 100% renewables as cheap as 50% nuclear, Danish farming futures, Ship scrubbers questioned, New draft EU coal limits weaker than in China, Sweden... -
No. 3, October 2015
Content: Environment MEPs want stricter air pollutant caps, Exposing the role of coal in Europe - launch of European Coal Map, Pledges for the 2015 UN climate agreement, 140 000 life-years lost each... -
No. 4, December 2015
Content: The costs of melting Permafrost, Tipping points - no safe limit, Diesel cars will continue to exceed emission limits, Cut agricultural ammonia emissions, Legally binding phase-out law for...
No. 1, March 2014
Content: A new EU clean air strategy up to 2030, Banking on coal, Ships should use advanced monitoring, CCS in Norway, Oceans acidify at unprecedented rate, Stricter standards for non-EU power plants... -
No. 2, June 2014
Content: 150 ways to cut GHG emissions, IMO weakens NOx rules for ships, A changing climate creates pervasive risks, Hidden costs make coal expensive, Diet shifts could reduce nitrogen pollution, SCR... -
No. 3, October 2014
Content: Air pollution still harms ecosystems, The fair share of climate responsability, Proposal for coal phase-out in Germany, UK brought to court on bad air qualty, Sustainable food choices, New... -
No. 4, December 2014
Content: NRMM proposal low in ambition late in timing, Wind energy – so much potential, Many loopholes in testing system, IPCC : delaying action implies higher costs, Biogas from manure, Air quality...
No. 1, March 2013
Content: Small chimneys – big emissions, Running out of time – the LCPD bites at last, Progress too slow in transport sector, Revising EU air pollution policy, Nitrogen overload still harms... -
No. 2, June 2013
Content: Finding the ambition level for NEC, significant cuts in carbon within reach in the Nordic-Baltic region, call for international nitrogen framework, stricter US standards for road vehicles... -
No. 3, October 2013
Content: Warming can be limited to 1.5°C, Shale gas has lost lustre, Agreement on equity issues essential, Shipping air pollution costs €60 billion per year, US: air pollution causes 210,000 deaths... -
No. 4, December 2013
Content: Proposal not enough to meet ship CO2 target, Global roadmap for less-polluting vehicles, Livestock behind 7.1 gigatonne GHGs, Global warming unequivocal, Anti-coal movement in Europe is...
No. 1, March 2012
Content: Still possible to stay below 2°C, Industrial air pollution cost up to €169 billion, Moving towards stricter ship sulphur standards, Countdown for Energy Efficiency Directive, Gothenburg... -
No. 2, June 2012
Content: New Gothenburg Protocol adopted, New Danish energy agreement, Welcome to the golden age of fracking, Biggest environmental cause of mortality, The arrival of a new EU sulphur law, Ozone... -
No. 3, October 2012
Content: Progress in EU air policy review, China: New standards for power plants, Slow steaming saves money and the climate, Climate policy for the agricultural sector, Opinion: Ten one-liners for... -
No. 4, December 2012
Content: The costs of climate change, Is air quality in Europe getting any better?, Great potential for changing behaviour, EU greenhouse gases fell by 2.5% in 2011, The Climate Bonus, Cleaner ship...
No. 1, March 2011
Contents: Negotiating new air pollutant ceilings. Overhaul of EU air quality policy announced. Potential for cuts in the non road sector. EU voting on new climate target for 2020. IPCC: Huge... -
No. 2, June 2011
Contents: Necessary to go for 50 per cent by 2020 (editorial), The remaining carbon budget, High economic benefits of new NEC directive, The role of forests in the Climate Convention, 100 percent... -
No. 3, October 2011
Contents: Management or protection of boreal forest?. Emission source shift, from land to sea. Smarter structure for energy taxation. Finding ambition levels for a revised protocol. Coal-fired plants... -
No. 4, December 2011
Implementing the stricter ship fuel sulphur standard of 0.1 per cent in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, is estimated to save up to 16,000 lives per year in the EU in 2020.
No. 1, March 2010
Contents: The right to clean air (Editorial) Cutting NOx emissions - the Norwegian way. Renewables can power the world. Success and failures in pollution abatement. Billion dollar benefits from new... -
No. 2, June 2010
Contents: Shipping must pay its bill (editorial). Particles killing half a million. Roadmap for 2050 offers low-carbon Europe for free. Ozone, plants and climate - views and news. The poor legacy of... -
No. 3, September 2010
Contents: High costs of delaying NEC directive revision (editorial). Big benefits in ship fuel action. Renewables industry –we can power the EU! 1.5° tough, but doable. New emission ceilings for 2020... -
No. 4, December 2010
Contents: How to avoid critical levels of climate change. GHGs must peak by 2015. MEPS call for binding energy efficiency target. New analysis of NECs. EU consults on marine fuels. Feature: coal in...
No. 1, March 2009
Contents: Enforcement is the key (Editorial). 16 states exceed emisson limits. Petrol vapour recovery to become mandatory. Strong – and weak, The EU climate package. One per cent will do. Ecosystems... -
No. 2, June 2009
Contents: Europe needs Emission Control Areas (editorial). Cleaner ship fuels to save lives. Ships pollute half as much as world's cars. Cut CO2 emissions from ships. GHG emissions increasing.... -
No. 3, October 2009
Contents: Bring them in (editorial). Most rich Kyoto countries off track. Island states call for action. Air quality exemptions questioned. Cleaner ship fuels may save 45,000 lives. Shipping climate... -
No. 4, December 2009
Contents: Copenhagen checklist (editorial). The world at +4oC. Dirty dozen - the most polluting power plants. Countries lagging behind – NEC directive follow-up. Boreal forests in peril. Tar sand –...
No. 1, March 2008
Contents: Why not nuclear? (Editorial). EU NEC directive. Climate and energy package. EU air quality law. EU industrial pollution laws. Air quality in Europe. New HDV requirements. Cleaner shipping... -
No. 2, June 2008
Contents: Praise where it is due (Editorial). Beneficial to cut pollution from LCPs. TERM 2007. EU climate package. Agreement by IMO to curb shipping emissions. High costs linked to pollution from... -
No. 3, October 2008
Contents: Editorial: Avoiding action. Critical legislation delayed. New scenarios for future emissions. Climate package. Road charging. Air quality. Best Available Techniques threatened. More fuel-... -
No. 4, December 2008
Contents: Editorial: Co-benefits from co-control. Climate policies improve health. EU climate package. CO2 from cars. UK commitment. Climate change gathers pace faster than expected. Time for fair...
No. 1, March 2007
Contents: New EU target for climate and renewables; CO2 from cars; Unsustainable increase in transport; Stricter fuel standards proposed; Weak diesel-car standards agreed; New IPCC report; Cleaner... -
No. 2, June 2007
Contents: Better air quality for free!; Global shipping emissions; IMO; Cost-effective to reduce emissions from ships; New emission ceilings delayed; Additional reductions necessary; Last gphp of the... -
No. 3, September 2007
Contents: Multiple benefits of low-carbon policies; IMO; Costs for cleaner fuels at sea; New EU emission scenarios; Tougher EU limits for HDV; Congestion charging; European emissions; CO2 from new... -
No. 4, December 2007
Contents: Shipping causing 64,000 deaths a year. European Commission takes action on air quality. Increasing climate divide between carmakers. IPCC: “The time for doubt has passed”. Massive emission... -
No. 4, December 2007 Special anniversary section
Contents: After 25 years (Editorial). Most things can be fixed. Still plenty to do. Requirements ramped up. Emissions: Far from target. Impact on nature. Climate issue hotter than ever. In the course...
No. 1, February 2006
Content: Coal-fired power stations top damage league; Health effects from large point sources; New Euro 5 proposal; Voluntary agreements; Congestion charging; Biomass action plan; Compliance to... -
No. 2, May 2006
Content: Time to improve health protection; New WHO air quality guidelines; Thematic strategy and air quality directive; Car industry failing on CO2 pledge; Euro 5. IPPC directive; Biofuels; Shipping... -
No. 3, october 2006
Content: Abandon defeatism!; Carbon cuts will reduce air pollution; New fuels reduce harmful emissions; Air quality directive watered down; Downward emissions trend flattens; Slow progress in EU... -
No. 4, december 2006
Content: Cut ship emissions now!; More clean air per euro at sea; Slow progress on ship emission standards; Air quality agreement; Car industry fails; The cost of inertia; Mistrust in Nairobi; Pilot...
No. 1, March 2005
In this issue: Editorial: Sulphur emissions from ships must be cut. Profitable to reduce sulphur in marine fuels. New scenarios for future emissions. CO2 from cars. German lignite policy. Cleaner air... -
No. 2, June 2005
In this issue: Editorial: Clean air - when and how? Sulphur in marine oils. Thematic stategy. Dirty kilowatts. Trading and NAPs. EU climate targets. Kilometre taxes. Global emissions. En-route... -
No. 3, September 2005
In this issue: Editorial: Get on with it! Euro 5 for cars. Battle over environment. EU GHG emissions. Aviation. Energy efficiency green paper. Climate threat increasingly clear. European emissions.... -
No. 4, November 2005
In this issue: Editorial: Overestimated costs. Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution. New standard for PM2.5. Cities reacting far too late. EU aviation strategy. Biodiversity. Critical loads. Abatement...
No. 1, March 2004
In this issue: Editorial: It should pay, after all. Global shipping emissions. Low sulphur fuels at sea. EU shipping strategy. Economic instruments. Increasing emissions. Ancillary benefits. Millions... -
No. 2, May 2004
In this issue: Editorial: Emissions trading. Many countries way off target. Belchatow. Take the next step now. Windpower. Unexpected effects quite possible. Cheaper energy has reduced incentives to... -
No. 3, September 2004
In this issue: Editorial: Happy anniversary! As Pontes - worst in Spain. UK power sector. Sulphur from shipping. Shore-side electricity. Unhealthy air. Fair prices key issue. Renewable energy. -
No. 4, December 2004
In this issue: Editorial: Shipping emissions in the spotlight. Coal-fired stations top emissions league. The "best" plants fired with fossil fuels. Air pollution – lifelong lung deficits. Spain - far...
No. 1, February 2003
In this issue: Editorial: Cost-effective to do it at sea. Air pollution from ships: EU strategy proposed. CO2 from cars. EU taxation of transports. Kilometre taxes. Emissions trading. Power... -
No 2, May 2003
In this issue: Editorial: Urgent! Ecoships. Sulphur in marine oils. Energy taxes. Windpower. Stricter vehicle standards. Beyond Kyoto. Energy efficiency. Air pollution and climate change. Congestion... -
No. 3, September 2003
In this issue: Editorial: Dragging its feet. A warmer world. Marine fuels. Seawater scrubbing. EU emissions trading. CO2 can be halved. Health effects of ozone. Fuel cells. EU kilometre taxes.... -
No. 4, December 2003
In this issue: Editorial: Need for shake-up. Ending coal use. Clean Air for Europe. Emission ceilings. Very high levels of ozone. Local shipping emissions. Forest damage. New diesel standards....
No. 1, March 2002
In this issue: Editorial: Excuses won't do. Sulphur in road fuels. Renewable energy in the EU. Ammonia. EU biofuels. Renewable energy in Poland. Energy taxes effective. Ships can be worse polluters... -
No 2, June 2002
In this issue: Editorial: Get on with it! Sulphur restrictions in bunker fuels. Portugal. Solar energy. Climate change: The quest for equity. Bush's "Clear Skies" plan. Acidification in the UK. China... -
No. 3, October 2002
In this issue: Editorial: Here's the real key. EU Kyoto targets. IPPC directive. CO2 standards for cars. Shipping emissions increasing. Forest damage. Critical loads. Benefits of LCP compliance.... -
No. 4, December 2002
In this issue: Editorial: Can they be serious? Differentiated shipping dues. Emissions trading. Costs of pollutants. Public procurement. Energy certification. Particulates and health. Hemispheric...
No. 1, March 2001
In this issue: Editorial: Not only the environment. COP6. IPCC report. Carbon-cycle feedbacks. Effects from secondary gains. CO2 from ships. Pleasure craft. Small petrol engines. Motorcycles. LCPs.... -
No 2, June 2001
In this issue: Editorial: Should have learnt. NECs and LCPs. Attention turning to older LCPs. Motorfuels. Particles. Renewables in India and China. Windpower. Climate change worst for the poor.... -
No. 3, October 2001
In this issue: Editorial: The quicker the better. NEC and LCP directives. EAP6. Potential for twice the Kyoto reductions. Real cost of electricity generation. Coal subsidies. Diesel exhausts. Black... -
No. 4, December 2001
In this issue: Editorial: It must be done. CAFE programme. EU transportation trends. EU enlargement. The Kyoto Protocol. Critical loads. Shipping pollution. Air around ports. Recovery from...
No. 1, March 2000
In this issue: Editorial: They´ve got it wrong! To get more at less cost. Effects of multi-effect protocol. CO2 from cars. Heavy vehicles. LCP and NEC directives. Ships' emissions. Review of the UK... -
No 2, June 2000
In this issue: Editorial: How long? Emissions charge works well. Green Shipping. North Sea. Non-road machines. US vehicles and fuel standards 2007. Health effects. Efficient energy use and renewables... -
No. 3, October 2000
In this issue: Editorial: Past and future. The 100 worst sulphur emitters. Global sulphur emissions. EU NEC directive. Limits for existing LCPs. Transport trends. Eastern Germany. After twenty years... -
No. 4, December 2000
In this issue: Editorial: They should not give way. Too little required of the LCPs. Replacing coal. Ships' emissions. Sulphur-free motor fuels. Auto-Oil II. Ground-level ozone. European forests....
No. 1, March 1999
In this issue: Editorial: Why don't they? Towards a protocol. Clean air in Europe. Standards for benzene. Heavy duty vehicles. Dash for gas. Road charging. Fairway and harbour dues. To pay what it... -
No. 2, June 1999
In this issue: Editorial: Piling it on. Acidification: Outlook for the year 2010. Recovery from acidification. Multi-pollutant protocol. The LCP directive. Ozone, emissions control. Czech shake-up.... -
No. 3, October 1999
In this issue: Editorial: Strange behaviour. CLRTAP: New protocol on the way. Emission ceilings directive. Goods transporting. Environmental outlook for 2010. Northeast Asia. Transport and health.... -
No. 4, December 1999
In this issue: Editorial: What's stopping them? The multi-effect protocol. Europe's forests. Ground-level ozone. UK - making a bid for cleaner air. Polish sulphur emissions declining. Children in...
No. 1, March 1998
In this issue: Editorial: Hitching a ride. Need for an integrated strategy. Effects of EU expansion. New directive excludes existing plants. Standards for heavy vehicles. Mapping of critical loads.... -
No. 2, June 1998
In this issue: Editorial: Will it bite? EU ozone strategy. Forests in Europe. Emissions from aircraft. EU IPPC directive. NOx trading in the US. Found to pay. Biogas gains. Environmental policies vs... -
No. 3, October 1998
In this issue: Editorial: The quicker, the better. Super-NOx protocol. EU burden sharing agreement. Vehicles and fuels. Fuels' sulphur content. Amended LCP directive. Acidified lakes. Environment for... -
No. 4, December 1998
In this issue: Editorial: Not only new ones! Differentiated motor fuel taxation. Swiss road charging. The proposed LCP directive. Nitrogen and flora. Ammonia from cars. Forest damage. Swirling...
No. 1, April 1997
In this issue: Editorial: It needn't stop there. Acidification strategy. EU climate commitments. Ozone strategy. Renewables strategy. Solvents directive proposed. Ships' emissions. Protocols held up... -
No 2, June 1997
In this issue: Editorial: Ozone. New EU standards for air quality. Sulphur in auto fuels. Tighter standards for light vehicles. Cogeneration. Polish emissions. New multi-protocol: Facing problems.... -
No. 3, October 1997
In this issue: Editorial: Can't be left out. CLRTAP: Need to hasten ratification. Fuels and vehicles. Reducing sulphur in fuel oils. Acidification and health. Electricity: Environmentally tagged... -
No. 4-5, December 1997
In this issue: Editorial: Stand fast. The cost of EU accession. Cost-effective strategy for Kyoto. New air quality directive. Shipping and acidification. Global warming. Diesel exhaust. Critical...
No. 1, February 1996
In this issue: Editorial: Worse than we thought. Europe: The situation laid bare. Car emissions limits. CO2 from cars. Combined transport. External costs of transport. Diesel engines. Climate change... -
No 2, April 1996
In this issue: Editorial: Letter from the editor. IMO Convention. Environmental charges on shipping. EU energy white paper. Energy/CO2 tax. Energy efficiency. Emission standards for vehicles.... -
No. 3, June 1996
In this issue: Editorial: Need to act quickly. LCP directve, revision now under way. EU CO2 emissions. New roads no boost to the economy. Great Britain. East Asia. Ozone. Russia: New energy policy... -
No. 4, October 1996
In this issue: Editorial: Could have been worse. Auto-Oil package revealed. CO2 from cars. Non-road machinery. Road charging. Ground-level ozone. The cost estimated. Baltic Sea. British sulphur... -
No. 5, December 1996
In this issue: Editorial: Stopping too short. Acidification strategy. Benefits from reduction. Air quality framework directive. Auto-Oil package. Green taxes. European forests. European emissions....
No. 1, February 1995
In this issue: Editorial: Assessing the cost. The "greenest" cars. Pollution on ses. Heat from the sun. Nature conservation - prime areas are threatend. Solar cells. Low-level ozone. More liming.... -
No. 2, April 1995
In this issue: Editorial: Not very interested. Air quality - new standards in the offing. Trams - reawakend desire. Car fuel consumption. Ground water - at risk at bringing risks. Solar energy in... -
No. 3, June 1995
In this issue: Editorial: Action should mean it. Air quality - concerns more than health. Cars in cities. Acidification. Emissions trading. Eastern Europe - the need for energy efficiency. Poland -... -
No. 4, October 1995
In this issue: Editorial: Sulphur in fuel oil. Petrol prices - fourfold increase called for. Air quality standards. Suing a polluter. Fossil fuel problem. Transport policy. Energy crops. Polish... -
No. 5, December 1995
In this issue: Editorial: Coordinated strategy. Transit traffic - reasoning fails to prevail. ECE Convention. Sofia meeting. Forest health. Mobile machinery. Polish environment. Controverdy over "...
No. 1, February 1994
In this issue: Editorial: Process itself important. The making of a protocol. Allergies related to exhausts. Windpower in Spain. Supercar. Roads delusion. Critical loads. Dirty shipping. Eastern... -
No. 2, April 1994
In this issue: Editorial: Start right away. Global-warming factories. Norway gives up on Nitrogen. Global warming threat to tropical forests. Economic instruments. China's polluted air. Small... -
No. 3, June 1994
In this issue: Editorial: Facing up to it. The worst hundred sources. Cat cars. Nitrogen oxides. Acidified waters. Alpine transit. Motorways in East-Central Europe. Nuclear power. Freiburg - a model... -
No. 4, October 1994
In this issue: Editorial: Unique opportunity. Nitrogen Examined. Proposal for toll zones. Turning for Asia. Sulphur. EU and transport. Emissions from LCP., From Shipping. And Aircraft. Fuel oils. -
No. 5, December 1994
In this issue: Editorial: Take this first. Sunny future seen. The 100 worst emitters. Wind power. Fuels for transport. Household appliances. Allowance trading. Monitoring program.
No. 1, February 1993
In this issue: Editorial: First sulphur. Greater than the direct gain. Problems with CO2 from cars. Transport White Paper an illusion. Acid rain hits special sites. Setting thresholds for ozone. The... -
No. 2, April 1993
In this issue: Editorial: Odd bedfellows. Rains to stop rain. Critical loads in Britain. Lichens in urban air. Classing for environment. CLimate change in China. Boreal forests are needed. The air-... -
No. 3, June 1993
In this issue: Editorial: Aself-interest. For a fossil-free future. DSM for energy conservation. Energy in the Third World. Diesel-fuel classifying approved. Which is best environmentally. Bio-diesel... -
No. 4, October 1993
In this issue: Editorial: Unusual language, Hinging on coal. Conservation sites. Better than coal East German energy. Black Triangle. Global warming. -
No. 5, December 1993
In this issue: Editorial: From words to deeds. Forest damage. UK flora. Emissions trading. Motorways opposed. Emissions report. Transatlantic transports. European environment. Profitable polluter....
No. 1, March 1992
In this issue: Editorial: A matter of concern. Road traffic - enough is enough. Easrtern europe - oppurtunities for saving. An ABC of acidification. Critical loads often far exceeded. The problem of... -
No. 2, May 1992
In this issue: Editorial: Forests - to avoid a misfire. EC commission for sustaiable mobility. More effort needed against warming. Energy - better ways proposed. Critical loads - getting a forward... -
No. 3, June 1992
In this issue: Editorial: Wind power - keeping at it. Baltic sea - ecosystem deranged. East and West unanimous on strategy for abatement. Nitrogen in turn for mapping. Emissions curbed at sea.... -
No. 4, October 1992
In this issue: Editorial: On sulpphur in oils. Poland - radical policy reform. Estonia - seemingly at a crossroad. Road traffic - assessing future amissions. Polluting planes top the greenhouse... -
No. 5, December 1992
In this issue: Editorial: Between ourselves. Czechoslovakia - environmental policy reform. New sulphur protocol. California valuating the health benefits of clean air. Corroision of materials. Fuel...
No. 1, March 1991
In this issue: Editorial: Encouraging. Upper silesia in need of aid. Air pollution and health. Diesel standards. Climate change - avoiding lasting damage. Lengthy negotioations endanger timely action... -
No. 2, June 1991
In this issue: Editorial: International negotiations - let us be there. Sensitive ecosytsems. New standards for diesels. Projecting car emissions. UK - relaxing pollution control. Energy efficiency.... -
No. 3, October 1991
In this issue: Editorial: Only the best will do. Öresund bridge opposed from two sides. East Germany - what it will cost. Children at risk from road traffic. Czechoslovakia preparing for clean-up.... -
No. 4, December 1991
In this issue: Editorial: At least a start. Air pollution - new protocoll signed. Forest damage goes on. Curbing CO2 from cars. Ups and downs of emissions. Acid even in the north. Sustainable living.
No. 1, January 1990
In this issue: Editorial: Moving nevertheless, Energy efficiency only way forward, Tracking air pollutants, Ozone into the picture, Road traffic far from paying its way, Dealing with sulphur dioxide... -
No. 2, March 1990
In this issue: Editorial: The great potential, UK - arguing desulphurization, Energy efficiency - abatement at negative cost, Efficiency to cut pollution, Charges to curb emisisions, Road traffic -... -
No. 3, September 1990
In this issue: Editorial: Leadership needed, SWAP report- the inevitable outcome, Reducing nitrogen possibilities and costs, Wildlife - effects of air pollution, Swedish forests - widescale liming,... -
No. 4, December 1990
In this issue: Editorial: Unacceptable kms, Harvest losses revealed, Forest decline continues, New protocol - with aim on ozone, NOx - controlling emissions, Energy - danes to save and gain,...
No. 1, February 1989
In this issue: Editorial: Stop dilly-dallying, ECE forests - accelerating damage seen, Clean cars - will community catch up?, Now a protocol for nitrogen, East Germany may need money from West, The... -
No. 2, May 1989
In this issue: Strategies against Climate Change, Nuclear power no solution, Energy efficiency best, Europe-wide Campaign for Clean Air, Critical loads remain most important factor, Best standards... -
No. 3, July 1989
In this issue: Editorial: Get on with it, Needed reductions - more than we thought, Eastern Europe - advantage in modernizing, Pooled Aid proposed, GDR's brown-coal problem, UK - call of the wild,... -
No. 4, October 1989
In this issue: Editorial: At the crossroads, City traffic - doing something about it, The competition for freight, Older treas are worse off, Doing without nuclear power, Easterna Europe - to fund or...
No. 1, February 1988
In this issue: Scan link - opposition is growing, Topping the polluters list, Environmentalists spell it out, UK - declining trend of emissions reversed, US - danger ignored, Coordniated action 1988... -
No. 2, May 1988
In this issue: The NOx debacle, Poland towards betterment, Britain's woodlands, Tropics - the problem of acidification looms, Large combustors - directive gone astray, Swiss clean air standards... -
No. 3, October 1988
In this issue: Editorial: Say what you think, Critical loads - figures continuing downwards, No intention to meet critical loads, How much needs to be reduced, Poland opening up to cooperation,...
No. 1-2, August 1987
In this issue: Crumbling heritage, Cleaner coal-firing, Reducing NOx emissions, Moving towards a protocol, Irland - smallness is no argument, Motor vehicle maufactures prevaricate while people die,... -
No. 3, October 1987
In this issue: Nuclear power - phasing out no problem, Difficultiesfor NOx protocol, European forests damage, How the nations stand, FRG standards ineffective, Technology transfer, CFC's - reduction... -
No. 4, December 1987
In this issue: NOx depression over Europe, Nature's tolerance shown by critical loads, Do vehicles cause cancer?, Delaying NOx action, Czechoslovakia - living in a smog, Making the public aware, UK...
No. 1, February 1986
In this issue: International Acid Rain Week, Uniting to save forests, Tourist boycott to go on, Protests against CEGB film, Damage trees in the UK, Attitude still unchanged, West Germany - trend has... -
No. 2, July 1986
In this issue: WWF - costs unacceptably, The implications of research, Unexpected acid rain damage, UK - streams becoming more acid, New source of acid rain, Gag on reports protested, New... -
No. 3-4, December 1986
In this issue: Trafficking in pollution, The fatcs are now clear, How it can be done, SO much will nature stand, Europe MPs endorse action, Can supply be maintained?, UK - at least making a start,...
No. 1, March 1985
In this issue: International Acid Rain Week, House of Commons debates acid rain, FRG sets dates for exhaust controls, Luxembourg - deciduous trees most affected, Swiss in trouble too, New US study... -
No. 2, June 1985
In this issue: Acid rain: car drivers warned, Japan leads the way, EEC Decision on Vehicle EMissions Protested, Green/Machine contest, How acid rain destroys lichens, UK - seeing wood for trees, Acid... -
No. 3, Summer 1985
In this issue: Children's health endangered, ECE convetnion - Weakness but some promise, Reduce emissions by 75%, Agriculture and acidification, Greens enter poltics, Nuclear power and automobiles,... -
No. 4, October 1985
In this issue: Nations accept binding agreement, Rising threat of acid pollution, Girls in timely protest, EC limits far too lenient, Tree dieback: new survey, Acidity of rain plotted, Opposing the "...
No. 1, January 1984
In this issue: International Acid Rain Week, Action in London, 345 of West German forest land damaged!, Forest death in Sweden, Freudenstadt proclamation for saving the forests, EEC demands change on... -
No. 2, March 1984
In this issue: Activities create attention!, Acid rain damage costs £33 bn a year, Acid rain cuts crop yields, Acidification threatens Southern Hemisphere, Fores death also in France?, Denmark: 30 %... -
No. 3, May 1984
In this issue: Acid rain and the UK, Joint Nordic demand to the UK: Reduce your sulphur emissions!, 10 Countries sign acid rain pact, Roof builing doesn't help, EEB: An 80% reduction of SO2 emissions... -
No. 4, October 1984
In this issue: Swedish plan of action, Eighteen nations pledge actions on acid rain, Britain: SO2 reductions "in a reasonable time scale", Cathedrals' stonework rotting, Acid Rain Blights UK Trees,... -
No. 5, December 1984
In this issue: Action increasingly urgent, Acid rain inquiry votes for action, Twelve power stations must be cleaned up, Ireland: Hoping for strong winds, Eastern Europe: Dying treesand yet optimism...
No. 1, 1983
In this issue: Time to start again!, The forests are dying, The Stockholm conference, The Acid Rain Caravan -
No. 2, 1983
In this issue: Things are moving forward, Acid rain hearing, Major manifestation against acid rain and tree death in West Germany, Energy use on sulphur emissions and depositions in Europe,... -
No. 3, 1983
In this issue: EC Acid rain hearing, Acidification and nitrogen oxides, Acid rain films, Youth NGO speech -
No. 4, June 1983
In this issue: UNEP acid rain report, State of the Environment Report: Acid Rain, Compaing European and American lakes, Acid rain kills Welsh fish, Millions on liming, New rules on emission to be... -
No. 5, October 1983
In this issue: Britain is buying time, Acidification in the UK, You must accuse us!, Succesful meeting in London, British action on acidification, Acid Tour for British journalits, Tourist...
No. 1, 1982
In this issue: Acidification secrteriat now established in Stockholm -
No. 2, 1982
In this issue: International acidification conference in Stockholm. -
No. 3, 1982
In this issue: What can NGOs do in the fight against acidificatin? -
No. 4, 1982
In this issue: Coming... or not?, Swedish TV and radio programmes on acid rain -
No. 5, 1982
In this issue: Efforts started to solve the acidification problems, By a dying lake in Western Sweden: "So lovely - and so awful!", Science and politics don't mix at acid rain debate