Benzene exposure is a known risk factor for childhood leukaemia and acute myeloid leukaemia in adults. One exposure route for benzene is living near a petrol station.
E-fuels are a detour on our way to decarbonisation
It takes four times as much energy to drive a car on e-fuels compared to batteries. In addition, they emit as much air pollution as a car running on fossil fuels.
EU is too slow on phasing-out fossil fuels in transport sector
The EU reached agreement in February 2023 on ending sales of new combustion engine cars and vans by 2035. But phasing out sales of new cars with internal combustion engines in the EU by 2035 ...
Editorial: The EU can and must take stronger climate action
With the sustained heat, drought and forest fires that are wreaking havoc across Europe, one would think European countries would be incentivised to increase action to tackle climate change.
A large ongoing EU project demonstrates that the expansion of direct wind propulsion technologies for ships will be an important and impactful step towards cleaner shipping.
“Cost of clean shipping is negligible” says case study
Transport & Environment has assessed “…the likely cost increase in seaborne transport in a hypothetical fully decarbonized scenario”. More specifically, the assessment investigated a substantial ...
The huge emissions from the steel industry can be virtually eliminated by using hydrogen from green power, or from other electric processes. CCS is not used, not needed and not likely to be a mitigation option.
In July, the Indian government proposed fuel consumption standards for heavy-duty vehicles in a draft notification issued by the road transport ministry.