Study on 1.5 pathways concludes that EU can reduce greenhouse gases by at least 65% by 2030. This means a transition to 100% renewable electricity while reducing energy use.
On 11–13 June, the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) met in Malta, to address negative effects on human health and ecosystems of maritime activities.
On 26 June, the European Court of Justice ruled that citizens have the right to challenge the air pollution monitoring systems in their cities and that the competent courts ...
Support for a Mediterranean Emission Control Area growing
Italy has declared its support for controlling ship emissions in the Mediterranean, the country’s Minister of Environment Sergio Costa declared at a recent G7 summit held in Metz, France.
Great benefits of cutting ship emissions in the Mediterranean Sea
Implementation of a full Emission Control Area could slash air pollutant emissions by between 77 and 95 per cent and avoid more than 6000 premature deaths every year.
In March, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo presented the Global Urban Air Pollution Observatory (GUAPO) to the Paris city council, and Abidjan, London, Mexico and Rotterdam have already committed to joining, while Athens, Montréal, New York City, Peking and Tokyo are in discussions to join.
A plan adopted in early May by the outgoing French environment minister, Ségolène Royal, sets new legal limits on air pollutant emissions up to 2030, in line with the emission reduction commitments under the EU’s National Emission Ceilings (NEC) directive.