Condensable aerosols contribute to inconsistent reporting
Condensable primary organic aerosol emissions, described from here on as condensables, are organic compounds that occur in the gas (vapour) phase at the chimney stack, but as the stack air is cooled and diluted, they can undergo both condensation and evaporation processes.
Together with researchers and experts in the other Nordic countries, the Swedish Environmental Research Institute IVL has measured and analysed emissions of particles ...
Polish top court upholds solid fuel ban for Krakow
The ruling on 12 March by Poland’s Supreme Administrative Court follows an anti-smog resolution approved by the country’s Regional Administrative Court.
Retailers could face restrictions on selling wet wood as a fuel for household heating, under plans announced by the UK government on 17 August to tackle particulate (PM) air pollution, following on from the launch of the government’s Clean Air Strategy this summer.
Copenhagen Mayor Frank Jensen wants to reduce air pollution by banning new wood-burning stoves and offering householders a cash incentive to scrap their old stoves and switch to district heating.
A Nordic research project has made emission measurements on residential wood burning appliances, boilers and stoves, representative for the Nordic countries.