“1.5 to Stay Alive” is the rallying call from the Caribbean region for the global community to take action now in the UN during 2018. A film with that message will be submitted to the Talanoa dialogue by AirClim.
Climate change and air pollution top environmental concerns in EU
EU citizens consider climate change as one of the most important environmental issues, closely followed by air pollution, according to the results of a new Eurobarometer survey.
Middle East, North Africa and Southern European levels of intense heat could make outdoor work very difficult this century and human life impossible around the Arabian Gulf.
Climate change will force mass migration of 1 billion people by 2100
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) released in summer 2017 a joint report entitled “A Region at Risk ...
Salmonid fish are sensitive to increased water temperatures. Decreased precipitation, forest fires and ocean acidification are other threats that come with climate change.