A recently published briefing by Climate Analytics summarises some of the observed and projected impacts on the physical, biological, and human dimensions ...
Study on 1.5 pathways concludes that EU can reduce greenhouse gases by at least 65% by 2030. This means a transition to 100% renewable electricity while reducing energy use.
Where the Andes meet the Amazon, you will find one of the earth’s richest and most important biomes. Its role has been overlooked in our efforts to mitigate climate change.
Summer snow cover in the Arctic has decreased by 2.5 million km2 in fifty years. The changes for animals and human livelihoods in the affected regions are dramatic.
Carbon emissions make seas more acidic and wiped out 75 per cent of marine species around 66 million years ago, reports a new study according to the Guardian.
Editorial: IPCC Ocean and Cryosphere report is a powerful diplomatic asset
The IPCC’s Special Report on The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate and its summary for policymakers provide scary reading about ongoing changes and risks, as well as projected risks.