The Guardian reports that after months of record-breaking ocean temperatures, the planet’s reefs are in the middle of the most widespread heat-stress event on record
The Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) has released a new brochure summarising their 2022 report, “Review and Revision of Empirical Critical Loads ...
Forests cover more than a third of Bulgaria’s territory. However, they face numerous challenges, such as poor management, illegal logging and the effects of climate change.
Ocean acidification and environmental change in lakes were the most frequently cited topics by the IPCC and IPBES, according to a recent impact assessment of AQUACOSM-plus, an EU-funded project focused on experimental research in aquatic environments.
Southern Ocean acidity might double by the end of the century
Almost 30 per cent of CO2 released to the atmosphere is taken up by the oceans. As a consequence, the oceans become more acidic – in a process called ocean acidification.
At the end of the twentieth century acidification was a serious problem in Europe, thanks to international cooperation. The success of the Air Convention led to dramatic decreases in sulphur dioxide which has improved chemical conditions in freshwaters and a biological recovery of acid-sensitive organisms.
Humanity is facing major social and ecological impacts from climate change and biodiversity loss. These two crises are intertwined, with common causes ...