On 26 June, the European Court of Justice ruled that citizens have the right to challenge the air pollution monitoring systems in their cities and that the competent courts ...
Belgium, Bulgaria and Sweden must act to reduce PM levels
In June, the European Commission referred Belgium and Bulgaria to the EU Court of Justice over persistently high levels of particulate matter (PM10). EU legislation has set limit values for PM10 since 2005. In case of exceedance of such limit values, member states shall adopt air quality plans and ensure that such plans set appropriate measures so that the exceedance period can be kept as short as possible.
Under EU law, member states have to limit citizens’ exposure to pollution from particulate matter (PM10). In Belgium, citizens in Brussels, Ghent port zone, Antwerp (including the port zone), Flanders and Liege have been exposed to unhealthy levels of PM10 since 2005.
Belgium has so far failed to effectively tackle excess emissions of health-damaging particles (PM10) in eight zones across the country, and is therefore ..