Temperature overshoot The concept of temporarily going beyond 1.5°C

Temperature overshoot The concept of temporarily going beyond 1.5°C

May 2022

In the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries agreed to make an effort to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C as going beyond that temperature limit would bring severe negative impacts, in particular for those most vulnerable. While not explicit in the text, it is generally understood that the objective is to ensure temperature rise is limited to 1.5°C by 2100. As substantial climate action has been delayed over and over again, almost all 1.5°C consistent scientific pathways for the future foresee peak temperatures potentially going beyond 1.5°C during the course of the century, with temperatures being reduced to 1.5°C or below by 2100. This concept of average temperature rise going temporarily beyond 1.5°C and then being reduced is referred to as temperature overshoot. This briefing explains and discusses this concept and the risks.