Better Green Deal for Europe

Best Mitigation Measures and Real Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In this section different mitigation measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions are presented and critical analyzed.

September 2024

Project for supporting Real Zero Europe:

Critical analysis of CCS and CDR technologies

The project received financial support from European Climate Foundation (ECF)


Real Zero Europe Webinar June 2024

Grant Hauber - Key Risks of Carbon Dioxide Storage: The case of Sleipner and Snohvit in Norway


Road to Nowhere

CCS and CDR technologies won't deliver for the climate

Bioenergy CCS - To little, too expensive, and not net negative

Direct air carbon capture and storage: A waste of time and energy

Carbon emissions from the cement industry can be reduced without CCS

Iron and steel emissions

How they can be cut, and why CCS is not a major option.

EU Innovation fund - End-of-pipe solutions dominated by CCS

Positions on CCS and Geoengineering by Climate Action Network International

The 100 largest industry emitters in EU-27

June 2024

Project for supporting INFORSE Europe:

Best mitigation measures to implement the EU Green Deal

The project received financial support from Nordic Council of Ministers.

Better Green Deal with CSO policy proposals, visions and scenarios for best mitigation policies for Baltic Sea Countries and Ukraine.


Strong potential for better climate mitigation strategies.

By Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe

During the year, a group of civil society experts from Belarus, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and Ukraine has analysed how our countries have implemented the European Green Deal through national climate plans and policies. For each policy measure, we evaluated how well the measure contributes to sustainable development towards carbon-neutral societies and how well it is implemented in the country or countries, where it is used.


Comparison of (Best) Mitigation Measures from Nordic-Baltic Countries and Ukraine

June 2024, 21 pages.
ISBN 978-87-94539-01-2

The publication’s chapters cover the best mitigation measures to combat climate change in the following areas: Climate Laws and Targets, Climate Taxes and Tax/VAT Reductions, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Fuel Shift, Transport, Other Important Climate Policies and Measures, Questionable Measures, and Worst Mitigation Measures. The countries included: Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Belarus, and Ukraine.

Policy Brief: The Best Nordic – Baltic Mitigation Measures to Combat Climate Change

June 2024, 2 pages.

Published by a working group of members from environmental organisations from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine that have analysed climate mitigation policies and measures and identified the best mitigation measures from their countries.

Discussion document

Vision for the Swedish energy system

Project other measures:

February 2024

Project for supporting Youth Environmental Organizations:

Youth visions for implementing the EU Green Deal

The project received financial support from Council of the Baltic Sea States.

Best mitigation measures to implement the Green Deal

Youth perspectives

Working paper

Draft proposals for discussing best climate measures to implement the EU Green Deal

Seminar report

Best Climate Measures according to Nordic Youth NGOs