A perfectly reasonable response. Photo: © Alexandra Lande / Shutterstock.com

UN warns: World nears 'hellish' 3°C heating

The world is on track for a “hellish” 3°C of global heating, a new UN report has warned. To get on track for the internationally agreed target of 1.5°C, 22 billion tonnes of CO2  must be cut from the currently projected total in 2030, the report said. That is 42% of global emissions and equivalent to the output of the world’s five worst polluters: China, US, India, Russia and Japan.

The secretary general of the UN, António Guterres, said: “Present trends are racing our planet down a dead-end 3°C temperature rise. This is a failure of leadership, a betrayal of the vulnerable, and a massive missed opportunity.
Renewables have never been cheaper or more accessible. We know it is still possible to make the 1.5 degree limit a reality. It requires tearing out the poisoned root of the climate crisis: fossil fuels.”

He added: “Leaders must drastically up their game, now, with record ambition, record action, and record emissions reductions. No more greenwashing. No more foot-dragging.”

Source: The Guaridan, 20 november 2023, https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/20/world-facing-hellish...
UN Secretary General 20 november 2023, https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/press-encounter/2023-11-20/secretary...

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