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Reviewed Gothenburg Protocol calls for revision

Under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) the Gothenburg Protocol has been reviewed in terms of effectiveness. The review report found that emissions have been reduced, but that countries will continue to suffer from health, ecosystems, and crop yield damages from air pollution under current legislation. Further emission reductions are needed across various sectors such as agriculture, energy and transport, and societal changes are needed in the areas of energy and diet.

The Working Group on Strategies and Review agreed at its 61st session (4–6 September 2023) that continuing with the amended Gothenburg Protocol in its current form with no additional action is not an option. Among delegations, there was significant support for a revision of the Protocol and the Working Group therefore recommended to the Executive Body that it launches a process for revising the Protocol at its 43rd session (11–14 December 2023).

The full meeting report can be found here:
ECE_EB.AIR_150_Add.2_2305247E.pdf (unece.org)


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The importance and role of forests in Poland

A varity of forest types in Poland play an important role in the country's ecosystem and cultural heritage.

Poland is home to a variety of forest types, which cover an area of nearly 9.3 million hectares and account for 29.6% of the country’s total land area. These forests play an important role in the country’s ecosystem, economy and cultural heritage. The forests are dominated by coniferous species, which together cover 76.6% of the area. These include pine, larch, spruce and fir. Deciduous species appear on 23.4% of the area.

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