Polluted air is killing 40,000 in the Po-valley each year

A recent scientific article has shown that air pollution in the Po Valley in Italy is still a big killer. The researchers looked at chronic exposure to PM2.5 for the years 2016–2019 and 39,628 attributable premature death were estimated in the regions of the Po Valley. These are alarming numbers that show that a lot more has to be done in the region to protect the health of its citizens.

Epidemilogica & Prevenzione 3-2023

In this issue

Editorial: EU climate target still not adapted to climate reality

On 8 September, the UN once again issued a report showing how governments are failing to take adequate action to implement the promises they made in the Paris Agreement. The so-called Synthesis Report on the Technical Dialogue from the First Global Stocktake showed how governments are good at making ambitious collective commitments but fail to take the right action at home to turn these collective pledges into a reality.

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The importance and role of forests in Poland

A varity of forest types in Poland play an important role in the country's ecosystem and cultural heritage.

Poland is home to a variety of forest types, which cover an area of nearly 9.3 million hectares and account for 29.6% of the country’s total land area. These forests play an important role in the country’s ecosystem, economy and cultural heritage. The forests are dominated by coniferous species, which together cover 76.6% of the area. These include pine, larch, spruce and fir. Deciduous species appear on 23.4% of the area.

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