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Offshore wind potential around Sri Lanka

A recent report published by the World Bank reveals that Sri Lanka possesses substantial locational potential for offshore wind energy, estimated at 56 GW.

The report, titled “Offshore Wind Roadmap for Sri Lanka”, delineates the country’s potential for harnessing offshore wind energy, outlining two main categories: 27 GW of fixed offshore wind in shallow waters (less than 50 metres) and 29 GW of floating offshore wind in deeper waters (between 50 and 1,000 metres).

The report identifies three general regions suitable for offshore wind development, with the western and southern coasts standing out due to their robust wind speeds and favourable technical conditions. This comprehensive assessment was commissioned by the Sri Lankan government.

Sri Lanka has sustainability goals which aim to have 70 per cent of its electricity generated from renewable sources by 2030 and to achieve carbon neutrality in electricity production by 2050.

Notably, private sector interest in offshore wind projects is already growing in Sri Lanka, highlighting the potential for clean energy development. The report underscores that offshore wind expansion can not only accelerate the country towards carbon neutrality but also enhance energy security and alleviate the economic strain of fossil fuel

Published under the World Bank Group’s Offshore Wind Development Program, the report offers a comprehensive analysis of low and high growth scenarios for offshore wind development in Sri Lanka. It includes a series of recommendations to guide the government in realising these scenarios effectively.

Reference: World Bank Group. 2023. Offshore Wind Roadmap for Sri Lanka. © Washington, DC: World Bank. http://hdl.handle.net/10986/40264 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.


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