A future based on 100 % renewable energy for all is achievable
Greenpeace has launched the new edition of the popular Energy [R]evolution report “How to Achieve 100% Renewable Energy for All by 2050”.
The report delivers the evidence that the transition to 100 per cent renewables will not only create new jobs in the energy industry – nearly 20 million over the next 15 years – but the investment required is more than paid for by savings on future fuel costs.
100 per cent renewable energy means: quality of life, health and education. Renewable energy for all means equal access to electricity, including the one-third who currently have none.
Key points from the report “How to Achieve 100% Renewable Energy for All by 2050”:
- 100% renewable energy for all is achievable by 2050, and is the only way to ensure the world does not descend into catastrophic climate change.
- We need to stop burning fossil fuels.
- The renewable energy sector is proving it can transform power generation.
- Heating and transport can also switch to renewables.
- The switch to 100% renewable energy will create jobs.
- The costs are huge, but the savings are even bigger.
- There is growing support for 100% renewables.
- There are no major economic or technical barriers to moving towards 100% renewable energy by 2050. It just requires the political will to make the change.
The Energy [R]evolution scenario is a scientific report, written by Greenpeace’s Dr Sven Teske, in collaboration with the scientific community led by the German Aerospace Centre. It demonstrates how to achieve the transition to 100 per cent renewable energy by 2050, phasing out coal, oil, gas and nuclear energy. It shows the impact on jobs, and how such a transition could be funded.
The Energy [R]evolution scenarios have been published regularly since 2005 (this is the fifth report). Their predictions on the potential and market growth of renewable energy have proved more accurate than many of the world’s biggest energy agencies, including the IEA and the US Department of Energy.
Previous scenarios mapped the route to 80 per cent renewable energy. This one shows how we could reach 100 per cent renewable energy – a target which a growing number of scientists, engineers and activists believe is realistic and essential.
Source: Press release from Greenpeace