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Even lower levels of air pollutants are mortal

A new report that examines the associations between low levels of air pollution and natural-cause, cardiovascular, respiratory, and lung cancer mortality. The findings of the study are that air pollution is a mortality risk at even lower levels than previously considered (10 µg/m3 for PM2.5 and 20 µg/m3 for NO2). This study contributes important evidence of associations between long-term exposures to relatively low concentrations of ambient PM2.5, BC, and NO2 and important health endpoints such as mortality. The results are in line with the new revised WHO Air Quality Guidelines on PM2.5 and NO2. Using data from 22 cohorts, including 28 million people across 11 European countries, makes the study one of the largest of its kind.

Source: HEI study in Europe finds evidence of health effects at lower levels of air pollution by Health Effect Institute, accessed October 2021

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