Photo: © Shutterstock – durantelallera
Cruise ship ranking
In its updated cruise ship ranking, German environmentalist organisation NABU (Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union) concludes that just one newly built cruise ship, the AIDAnova, renounces the use of toxic heavy fuel oil and instead uses less-polluting liquefied natural gas (LNG). It therefore tops NABU’s 2018 cruise ship ranking. All the remaining 76 checked ships, including eight out of nine vessels that are new to the market this year, continue to use dirty heavy fuel oil.
Hapag Lloyd Cruises and TUI Cruises are keeping up a little by using SCR catalysts or onshore power while in port on their new vessels. However, particulate filters to reduce harmful soot particles are not installed on these ships either.
Source: NABU, 21 August 2018. Link: