Beyond coal campaign retires 300th US coal plant
The decision in January to close Dolet Hills Power Station in Arkansas symbolises an important milestone for the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign, as it marked the 300th coal plant proposed to retire since 2010. In just the three years since Donald Trump became President, the campaign and its allies have been able to secure the retirement of 62 coal plants.
The closure of coal plants since 2010 can now be credited with the annual prevention of about 8,000 premature deaths, 12,500 heart attacks, 131,700 asthma attacks, and USD3.8 billion in healthcare costs.
Mary Anne Hitt from the Sierra Club said: “230 coal plants are still out there polluting our air, water, and climate – putting thousands of lives at risk. And there are still programmes that must be developed and implemented to help former coal miners and their families transition out of the fossil fuel industry.”
Source: Sierra Club press release, 8 January 2020