There are signs of relief, or at least a halt to the increase in ambient air pollution levels. Photo: © TonyV3112 /

Air pollution in China

A new study provides an overview and analysis of key scientific data regarding air pollution in China and helps understand how policymakers, media and the population in China make sense of and deal with air pollution. The major trends regarding air pollution in China are summarised, including its main sources and composition, levels of population exposure across the country, attributable mortality, and mitigation efforts.

While the situation remains dire in many regions, particularly the northeast, the authors conclude that there are signs of relief, or at least a halt to the increase in ambient air pollution levels. But unequal levels of exposure remain, and harmful levels of air pollution in cities will undoubtedly remain high for a long time to come. The rural population residing in areas close to industry and polluted cities and still depending on solid household fuels will likely be the worst off when it comes to air pollution exposure.

“Introduction: Air Pollution in China” (December 2017). By K. Aunan, M. Halskov Hansen and S. Wang.


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