71% want tougher EU laws on air pollution
The results of the latest Eurobarometer survey, which asked over 27,000 people from across the EU several questions about air quality, revealed a poor awareness of EU air quality legislation as only 31 per cent of respondents had heard of them. Most of those who have heard of the standards believe they should be strengthened (63%).
Respondents were also asked who is responsible for improving air quality. More than half of respondents in all countries believe that households, car manufacturers, energy producers, farmers and public authorities are not doing enough to cut air pollution. Over two-thirds (71%) of EU citizens think the EU should bring in tougher measures to improve air quality.
Poor communication was a theme of the results, with a majority (54%) of respondents saying they do not feel well-informed about air quality problems in their country.
Source: Air Quality News, 3 December 2019.
Eurobarometer report: https://ec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/index.cfm/survey/getsurveydetail/instruments/spacial/surveyky/2239